SALT Outreach launched a Street Outreach program with the help of a grant awarded by the Homeless Services Network. The Street Outreach workers go to remote areas such as camps to engage the unsheltered with the goal of connecting them to services with the ultimate goal of helping to end their homelessness. Creating genuine relationships and building trust will be key in helping to connect them to other services. This program was launched in August of 2021. SALT Outreach hopes to grow this program as Street Outreach Workers play a key role in helping to end homelessness.

With a grant awarded from the Homeless Services Network of Central Florida SALT Outreach will be launching a Street Outreach program that helps to engage the unsheltered in remote areas of Central Florida. These funds help to fund two Street Outreach Workers and associated costs. Any additional funds raised for the Street Outreach Team will go toward a company vehicle to help with transportation of clients to connect them with necessary services. This grant covers through the middle of the third quarter of 2022. Around that time we will seek additional grants and fundraising to continue this program.